Inspired by the acclaimed 2555X series, the 2525H 'small box' head combine the classic Silver Jubilee preamp features and styling in a lower power, 'mini' design. The 20 Watt 2525 Mini Jubilee is expertly crafted and is designed, engineered and constructed to the highest possible standards at the Marshall factory in Bletchley, England.The Silver Jubilee Series was produced in 1987 to celebrate 25 years of Marshall Amplification and 50 years of Jim Marshall being in the music business.The 2525 models also share the original Jubilee Series features, as well as High/Low output switching (20 Watts to 5 Watts) and independent 4/8/16 Ohm speaker outputs.Features:
- Presence, Bass, Middle & Treble controls- Output Master (pull channel)
- Lead Master
- Input Gain (pull rhythm clip)
- 20W/5W Power Output Switch
- 2 x EL34& 3 x ECC83 Valves
- Celestion G12M-25 Greenback speaker (combo only)
- 4/8/16 Ohm speaker outputs
- FX Loop
- DI Output
- Footswitch Included
- Made in the UK